2019 Parent Confirmation Essay & Commitment Form

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Confirmation Essay

Please write a 500 word essay that answers the following questions. Take your time to reflect and answer these questions seriously and don't worry about getting to exactly 500 words and feel free to go over. Don't write what you think we want to hear just be honest! These questions help us to get to know you as a parent and the role faith plays in your family. Thank you!

1. What steps have you taken to share the faith with your son or daughter?
2. What role do you envision faith playing in the life of your son or daughter, both now and into the future?
3. Why do you want your son or daughter to be confirmed?
Confirmation Parent Commitment

I understand that by clicking the box below I commit to...
- taking responsibility for the faith formation of my son or daughter as I am the primary teacher of the faith.
- Attend Sunday mass every weekend and ensure that my son or daughter does the same
- Ensure full participation of my son or daughter in the confirmation program and ensure they attend all of the confirmation sessions
- Ensure participation in the Life Teen program through attendance of at least 6 Life Nights and 1 retreat

I understand that by clicking the box below I commit and agree with the guidelines and procedures set forth by St. Basil the Great Life Teen for Confirmation.
Please select all that apply.


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