Freshman CHOSEN || March 2021

Please complete this remote assignment by April 5th. Thank you!
After watching the videos for Lesson 11: How Does God Help When It Hurts? (Segments 1, 2, and 3), please answer these questions:

Segment 1 (The Problem of Suffering):

  1. According to Fr. Toups, what is suffering? Can you distinguish between two different types of suffering and give examples?

  2. In your own words, summarize what the video said about why God allows suffering? How does free will play a part?

  3. Have you ever known someone who has experienced great suffering? Who? Have you ever witnessed suffering bring out the best in someone? 

Segment 2 (God Is With Us):

  1. As Fr. Toups says we are often tempted to avoid suffering, but what are some ways we can allow God into our suffering?

  2. How does the Cross of Christ change the meaning of suffering? 

  3. What are some ways we can put ourselves into a position to be found by God?

  4. Can you think of a saint who suffered? What’s their story?

  5. Turn to page 100 in your CHOSEN workbook - read the story of St. Damien of Molokai - share one thing that struck you from his story.

Segment 3 (The Anointing of the Sick):

  1. Have you ever known someone who received the Anointing of the Sick? Or have you been present for an anoiting? Share your experience.

  2. What would be examples of appropriate times to call a priest for the Anointing of the Sick?

  3. Even without a physical healing, what are some ways the Anointing of the Sick may help someone who is in danger of despair or is losing hope due to their illness?



Please complete this remote assignment by April 5th. Thank you!